TextField, OutlinedTextField, BasicTextField
TextField 和 OutlinedTextField 基本上功能相同,只是外觀不同
TextField 和 BasicTextField 很類似,只是 BasicTextField 少了設計外觀和部份功能,如果想要自己從頭打造外觀,就可以選 BasicTextField
value 和 onValueChange 是必要的,而且要配合 remember 才能正常運作
value 是代表目前我們在 TextField 中輸入的值,我們通會會把他跟一個 state 連接
@Composable fun TextFieldDemo() { var textFieldState by remember { mutableStateOf("") } var outlineTextFieldState by remember { mutableStateOf("") } Column( modifier = Modifier .padding(16.dp), verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Top, horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally, ){ TextField( value = textFieldState, onValueChange = { textFieldState = it }, textStyle = LocalTextStyle.current.copy( textAlign = TextAlign.Right ), label = { Text("Name") }, readOnly = false, placeholder = { Text("Enter you name") }, leadingIcon = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Outlined.MonitorHeart, contentDescription = "Name" ) }, trailingIcon = { Icon( imageVector = Icons.Outlined.Send, contentDescription = "Send" ) }, prefix = { Text("$") }, suffix = { Text("Dollar") }, supportingText = { Text(text = "*required*") }, isError = false, visualTransformation = PasswordVisualTransformation(), keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions( keyboardType = KeyboardType.Text, imeAction = ImeAction.Next ), keyboardActions = KeyboardActions( onNext = { println("Keyboard done") } ) ) } }
如果要使用 by remember { }
要有以下的 import
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember // 通常會少以下 2 個,要記得補上 import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
不能直接在 composable function 中使用 coroutine,必須在 callback 中使用。
Never launch a coroutine directly in the composable, it’s only okay in callbacks such as an onClickListener
Android Dev: Compose 中的文字
Youtube: Stevdza – Text Fields – Jetpack Compose
(Philipp@YT): Text Fields – UX With Material3 (2023)
(Philipp@YT) Textfields, Buttons & Showing Snackbars – Android Jetpack Compose – Part 7 (2021)